You are the Master, so Master Thy Self!

As I place my hands on the steering wheel of my car every day, I think about how I have the power to control my own life. Our thoughts, choices, and emotions shape our reality. It's that simple. This is the guiding system that directs us. So, what kind of car are you driving and where do you want to go? If you were the car and could choose any destination, where would you go? Dream big. We are here for that reason! Similar to Disney, life can be the happiest place on earth where dreams come true. So, if you need to be optimistic to get in the mood, go for it! Pay attention to how you feel and work towards what feels good in every moment. Get to know yourself intimately and treat yourself with kindness. Get adventurous. Start exploring. Be curious about you! Think of me as your host and tour guide. Experience the love behind the scenes at SolFlo Life and enter a magical world that can exist for you. It starts within and illuminates out within the universal flow. Find ways to inspire yourself and along the way, you will also inspire those around you.  That is the essence called being of service in this lifetime on earth. So let’s get busy BEing our authentic selves!

  Hi, I'm Tami, the founder of SolFlo Life. Our mission is to support people on their journey to self-discovery and healing. I've overcome cancer and embarked on a transformative path towards enlightenment and self-care. By understanding myself deeply and addressing unresolved emotional wounds, I healed naturally. These wounds caused issues like bad relationships, harmful choices, addictions, depression, anxiety, poor social skills, and a negative relationship with myself. During my journey through cancer, I also experienced significant losses, which led me to let go of attachments and ego. I became a champion for myself, embracing a conscious and holistic lifestyle. I also let go of job titles, old beliefs, fears, anxiety, and processed my unresolved emotions. This shift allowed me to slow down and connect with my true self. When negative emotions arise, I take a moment to pause, breathe, and focus on the bigger picture. Choosing happiness and maintaining a positive mindset have been crucial in my transformation. Life is a journey filled with challenges that shape us into who we want to become. By changing our thoughts, we can shape the reality we desire in our bodies, surroundings, and lives. SolFlo exists to help individuals achieve their best and live their best lives. It's a community that supports you in connecting with your higher self.

If you want to get started, here are 3 concepts to consider.

1- Our environments

     It's crucial for us to consistently acknowledge and nurture a constructive and uplifting ambiance that permeates throughout various aspects of our lives. This encompasses not only our thoughts and beliefs but also extends to the connections we foster with others and the environments we inhabit, such as our homes, workplaces, and familial circles. By prioritizing the cultivation of a positive energy field, we can ensure that we exist within a healthy and harmonious space. One way to sustain this positive energy is by maintaining a tidy and welcoming environment. Regularly tending to our physical spaces encourages a sense of cleanliness and organization, which in turn contributes to an overall positive atmosphere. By investing our time and effort in caring for these spaces, we create a foundation for tranquility and peace to flourish. In addition to our external surroundings, it is equally important to foster positivity within ourselves. Often, this entails identifying and gradually eliminating any toxicity in our lives, adopting a gentle and peaceful approach. By removing negative influences and focusing on ease and flow, we create fertile ground for love and positivity to thrive. In this journey towards a positive atmosphere, it is crucial to remember that love begets love. By striving to embody and practice actions and behaviors that align with what feels good and resonates with our well-being, we actively contribute to the uplifting and nurturing environment that we seek. Through conscious effort and self-reflection, we can continuously refine our thoughts, beliefs, and actions, paving the way for a more positive and fulfilling existence.

2- Let Go, Surrender, and Rise

     Take a moment to evaluate your current state of being. Is it cluttered and weighed down by the unnecessary? Do you find yourself stuck in monotonous routines, going through the motions without any purpose? It's time to break free from the shackles of the mundane and step into a life of liberation, ease, and fulfillment. Embrace the power within you to create your own path, to shape your own destiny. Empty your garbage and let go of the baggage that holds you back. Purge the heavy luggage of doubts and fears that weigh on your shoulders, restricting your potential. It's time to eliminate the habitual ways that no longer serve you, that keep you confined in a limited existence. Instead, step boldly into your own flow, where the current of life propels you forward with grace and harmony. Stand as your own advocate, defending what truly matters to you, and taking charge of your own happiness. Remember, no one else possesses the knowledge to dictate your actions or shape your identity. It lies solely in your hands, a canvas awaiting your masterpiece. Take charge, seize the reins of your life, and own it. Commit to nurturing yourself, investing in your growth, and embracing the vibrant essence of living. Trust in your intuition and inner wisdom, for you possess the ability to make the best choices for yourself, regardless of external opinions or perceived intelligence.  This applies to every facet of your existence, but perhaps most importantly, your well-being. Cherish yourself, prioritize self-care, and forge a path toward a life that radiates vitality and joy. Remember, you are the captain of your own ship. It's time to set sail on the epic journey of self-discovery, where you will unlock your true potential and embrace the beauty of living authentically. So empty your garbage, purge your heavy luggage, eliminate your habitual ways, and erase the mundane lifestyle that holds you captive. Embrace the path of self-empowerment and reap the boundless rewards that await.

3- Be the Creator within  your own Masterpiece

     Being a creator within your own masterpiece is truly the best possible scenario and scene in this captivating movie we call life. In this grand narrative, you have the power to frame the story in your favor, to shape it according to your desires, and to gather the support and encouragement you need along the way. It's crucial to genuinely care about your own feelings and wellbeing, allowing yourself to embrace the goodness that surrounds you. Remember, the thoughts you put out into the universe will inevitably attract similar energy back to you. So why not let your dreams run wild and watch as they seamlessly manifest before your eyes? Now, I understand if you're skeptical, but perhaps it's just a matter of breaking free from resistance and allowing yourself to fully embrace the limitless possibilities that lie ahead. That's where SolFlo LIfe comes in – to provide you with an abundance of resources, valuable information, practical tools, unwavering moral support, a genuine love for your journey, and a safe space for you to adventure and explore to your heart's content. Anything and everything is within your grasp. So go ahead, create your own magical masterpiece!


The Future of Self-Care


Step into your Power and Own it!